Friday, November 14, 2014

Marvel Cube

Branding Article Response

I believe what his article is trying to tell us is that good design can come from anywhere. What the guy did was ultimately wrong, but it lasted as long as it did because of his design. It took someone to analyze the product for his scam to be discovered. I'm sure that if his sketchy product hadn't been put to scrutiny, it would have gone unnoticed for much longer. Good design, whether mad with good intent or bad, can ultimately accomplish its goal: to sell.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Starbucks response

I agree that changing a company's logo every decade or so is necessary to keep it's image fresh and give it the ability to attract new potential customers. Just as the world changes, so too should a company. At the same  time it must make sure not to make a drastic change in a small amount of time at the risk of losing faithful consumers. A fresh take on a familiar logo, I believe, is the best way to gain new customers while staying true to those who have supported the company from the beginning. Change can be a scary thing to us. The unknown tends to frighten away most people but if done correctly it can open an entire world of new possibilities.

Friday, October 31, 2014

A Jonny Darkly

Logo Assignment

For the logo assignment I chose the Puerto Rican military patch. The patch is emblazoned with the image of El Morro, a guard post that once secured San Juan bay. This image is so treasured by Latinos from Puerto Rico because it symbolizes the island. To me it's a reminder of where I came from and the history of my island.

Friday, October 3, 2014

album cover

Montygog Interview

        After reading Montygog's interview I've learned that nothing worth having is easy. He has worked hard to get to where he is now. from doodling in class - as I've often found myself doing - to posting drawings and designs on different websites to illustrating and designing movies like Paranorman. And it all started with an interest in something and the desire to make it your own. "If everybody copied everybody, we'd have a million Garfields out there, and that's a scary thought." As someone who struggles to find their own style in art, I find this quote inspiring.

Friday, September 5, 2014

About Me

Jonathan Hernandez

My computer experience is basically trial and error. messing around with it at home and picking up tips from friends. i took fundamentals of programming and worked with a program called alice my first semester at CCC and C++ my second semester.

I have no experience at all with Photoshop or Ilustrator.

I do have a laptop at home but it does not currently have Photoshop nor Illustrator

My major is Computer Graphics

i hope to understand what people mean when they talk in photoshop talk. and to be able to design my own logos and ads for future business ventures.

My favorite artist would have to be the late Bob Ross. his shows made me love drawing as a kid.

I don't have a favorite musician i appreciate almost all forms of music but one of my favorite bands is Metallica. and I love Jimi Hendrix for his intricacy and overall musical skill.

I've played guitar for about 12 yrs never took a lesson so I don't feel my skill level is where it should be.  I also worked for a year at my uncle's tattoo shop in Brooklyn, 6 months of which i apprenticed in tattooing.

Art is life, life is art.
There is art all around us.
In the architecture of the buildings we pass every day, in the songs on the radio, and even the graffiti on the walls of abandoned buildings. 
Art surrounds every where.
you just have to know where to look.