Friday, October 31, 2014

A Jonny Darkly

Logo Assignment

For the logo assignment I chose the Puerto Rican military patch. The patch is emblazoned with the image of El Morro, a guard post that once secured San Juan bay. This image is so treasured by Latinos from Puerto Rico because it symbolizes the island. To me it's a reminder of where I came from and the history of my island.

Friday, October 3, 2014

album cover

Montygog Interview

        After reading Montygog's interview I've learned that nothing worth having is easy. He has worked hard to get to where he is now. from doodling in class - as I've often found myself doing - to posting drawings and designs on different websites to illustrating and designing movies like Paranorman. And it all started with an interest in something and the desire to make it your own. "If everybody copied everybody, we'd have a million Garfields out there, and that's a scary thought." As someone who struggles to find their own style in art, I find this quote inspiring.